War of Words

War of Words

We are kicking off another semester of Life Groups on Wednesday May 28, 2014 and we will be reading War of Words by Paul David Tripp. At some point we’ve been devastated by the words of another. And at some point, too, we used words to hurt other people. Our communication problems will never be solved with vocabulary replacement. As Paul David Tripp explains, our talk will only be cured if we understand that words belong to the Lord. War of Words gets to the root of our communication struggles – our heart. It's only when you worship the Lord with your heart that wholesome talk take place. Your words can be used to build and encourage, or they can be used to tear down and destroy. The Bible clearly teaches how to get from where you are to where God wants you to be. Do your words belong to the Lord?

 War of Words Schedule  500xXXX

War of Words